What are the most entertaining movies to watch in 2021?

What are the most entertaining movies to watch in 2021? 
Well, with the number of movies there are, it may be a bit overwhelming trying to decide on the movie. However, I was able to receive recommendations based on consensus agreement on wonderfully entertaining movies.   
One of my friends who lives in delhi told me about this amazing upcoming film Fadfadaa.  There a lot of speculation about the film, but it worth noting that thrillers are not necessarily horror movies either.  
Psycho thriller movies are generally about confronting our fears of death. The movie has also lots of colourful songs in between There is a lot of buzz about the characters played by Prabhat Kumar Mishra.     
The film is directed & produced by world record holder Prabhat Kumar Mishra. He is a known film maker who selects the  actors and actresses himself refines them over the time.
Today his youtube channel has more than 11K subscribers and a team of talented and dedicated actors for movies and song videos. Even though his videos include adult content, he is very professional and tries to minimise the use of fowl and abusive language contrary to now-a-days trend on youtube. In January 2018, he began preproduction of his hindi theatrical movie "Fadfadaa" and started off the shooting on his birthday on 12th june.   
In december 2018, Fadfada video song  which is a part of the movie has now more than 1 million views it is written, sung, composed and choreographed by Prabhat Kumar Mishra.
Prabhat Kumar Mishra makes a World Record of getting 21 Credits in one Movie "Fadfadaa". He break previous World Record of 15 Credits which was made by Actor Jacky Chan.    
His name in Starring (Actor), Fight Director, Stunt Man, Publicity Designer, Light & Equipments, Properties, Art Director, Executive Producer, Censor Script, Marketing Head, Choreographer, Costume, Catering, Story, Screenplay, Dialogues, Singer, Lyrics, Composition, Director and Producer.    
Hopefully this film will be a block buster film once it releases in the theaters we are very much sure audience is going to love all  the drama action & the amazing songs from the movie.
The film is expected to release once the Covid pandemic is over till then you can enjoy all the amazing songs on youtube & follow prabhat kumar mishra on facebook & instagram.     
You can learn more at https://indianprimevideo.com/  
and follow them ;  
You Tube Link : https://www.youtube.com/c/IndianPrimeVideo                        

Some genres are easier to define than others.   Werewolf movies are movies with werewolves in them.   
Family movies are intended for all audiences. But thrillers can be tougher to nail down.   
After all, a lot of movies want to thrill you. That doesn't mean they all have life-or-death situations, serial killers, and kidnappings in them.    But those are the types of intense, suspenseful situations we come to expect from films with the thriller  label.   
They are typical stories of seemingly normal people, suddenly thrust by circumstance or their own sins into perilous situations.   
Will they survive? Will they prove their innocence? Will life ever be the same again?   We demand the answers to these questions because, as strange and contrived as situations in a thriller can get, the protagonists closely resemble most of the people in the audience, who don't seek out danger and worry about what would happen if it befell us anyway.    There's a lot of overlap, but it's worth noting that thriller  aren't necessarily horror movies  either.   Horror movies are generally about confronting our fears of death.   There's a reason the body count is usually much higher in a conventional horror movie.   Thrillers are generally about confronting our fears of staying alive, the anxieties and paranoias that plague us every day, and the consequences we fear that prevent us from living more exciting, albeit dangerous lives.   
Horror movies are about dying. Thrillers are about staying alive.    Thrillers are also about plausibility. Once magic or science-fiction works its way into the storyline, the film becomes less about normal people surviving harrowing situations and more about the mechanics of the fantasy world it now inhabits.   
The events of a thriller may be highly unlikely but they could, at least in an impressionistic way, happen in the real world. That's what makes them captivating. It could happen to you.


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